Sunday, December 14, 2014

Amanuensis Monday: Marcel STROESSER’s marriage

In this installment of my Luxembourg record project, we will examine the evidence for the marriage of Marcel STROESSER. You may recall that Marcel was the younger son of Baltasar STROESSER and his wife Anna KAYSER. The elder son, Eduard, apparently never married, or at least it didn’t make the newspaper (or I haven’t found the article) if he did.

The Luxembourg civil registration records online at FamilySearch currently include marriages of Esch-sur-Alzette only up to 1923, so the evidence of Marcel’s marriage is found entirely in the digitized newspaper archives at the Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg.

This was trimmed from the original at Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg.



Zivilstand vom 20. Juni. Geburten: Robert Heinrich, S. v. Peter Ehmann-Steichen, Erzentlader, Esch. – Heiraten: Marzel Sebastian Peter Stroesser, Garagenbesitzer, Esch mit Marie Katharina Kieffer, Soziale Werksfürsorgerin, Esch. – Sterbefälle: Franziska Katharina Prim, 77 Jahre, Witwe von Jakob Howald, Esch.


Civil registry from 20 June. Births: Robert Heinrich, S. v. [I presume this is an abbreviation for “son of”] Peter Ehmann-Steichen, Erzentlader, Esch. – Marriages: Marzel Sebastian Peter Stroesser, Garage owner, Esch with Marie Katharina Kieffer, Social Worker, Esch. – Deaths: Franziska Katharina Prim, 77 Years, Widow of Jakob Howald, Esch.

Although a very brief announcement of the marriage, it is rather informative. Marcel is described by his full name, leaving no doubt of his identity, even though his first name has been Germanized to Marzel. Apparently he has followed near his father’s footsteps, his occupation of garage owner being akin to Baltasar’s occupation of coach-building. In his 1935 accident, his occupation is even closer to coach-building, being described as Wagenbauers, or “car maker.” Incidentally, I rather suspect that by the time of his death, Baltasar’s “coaches” were actually automobiles.

We also learn the bride’s full name, and learn that she is a social worker. Somewhat amusingly, “Soziale Werksfürsorgerin” translates literally into “social work social worker,” as “soziale werks” is “social work” and “fürsorgerin” is “social worker.” Perhaps someone more conversant with the German language can explain the reason for the redundancy?

On the very next page of the same issue of the Tageblatt is another announcement of the marriage, this one even more brief.

This was trimmed from the original at Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg.



Geburten: Eine Tochter für Herr und Frau Dr. Weihnachter-Weis, Mersch.

Vermählte: Mia Kieffer, Marzell Strosser, Esch-Alzig.

Todesfälle: Johann Pündel, Luxemburg-Limpertsberg, 68 Jahre alt; Nikolaus Courtois, Kaufmann, Differdingen, 66 Jahre alt; Jakob Richard, Gemeindebote, Münsbach, 62 Jahre alt; Karl Leclerc, Schifflingen, 17 Jahre alt; Frau Witwe Joh. Pet. Pieres, Wilwerwilz, 76 Jahre alt; Joh. Peter Schiltz, Niederkorn, 90 Jahre alt.


Family news.
Births: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Weihnachter-Weis, Mersch.

Married: Mia Kieffer, Marzell Strosser, Esch-sur-Alzette.

Deaths: Johann Pundel, Luxemburg-Limpertsberg, 68 years old; Nikolaus Courtois, businessman, Differdingen, 66 years old; Jakob Richard, courier, Munsbach, 62 years old; Karl Leclerc, Schifflange, 17 years old; Mrs. Widow Joh. Pet. Pieres, Wilwerwiltz, 76 years old; Joh. Peter Schiltz, Niederkorn, 90 years old.

Clearly this adds nothing to the knowledge we have already gleaned from the previous announcement, but it is still one of my sources, so I am including it. It also contains the names of a number of other people, and perhaps someone will find the information about one of them useful.


Ausder Stadt Esch: Zivilstand vom 20. Juni,” Escher Tageblatt, 21 June 1941, p. 3, col. 1; digital images, Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg ( : accessed 15 Nov 2014), Digitized by the National Library of Luxembourg,

StadtDüdelingen: Familiennachrichten,” Escher Tageblatt, 21 June 1941, p. 4, col. 4; digital images, Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg ( : accessed 15 Nov 2014), Digitized by the National Library of Luxembourg,

Monday, December 8, 2014

Amanuensis Monday: Marcel and Eduard STROESSER get in an accident

Last week in my two posts of my Luxembourg record transcription project I transcribed and translated the birth certificates of Baltasar STROESSER and Anna KAYSER’s two sons Eduard and Marcel. This week I will do the same for a newspaper article I happened to come across, which involves both brothers.

This was trimmed from the original at Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg.


Luxemburg, den 6. Dezember 1935.
An der Kreuzung der Luxemburger- und Schiff- lingerstraße, in der Nähe von Monnerich waren am 2. Februar die Autokamionette des Bierhändlers Julius Schreiner und das Auto des Wagenbauers Marcel Peter Stroesser, beide aus Esch-Alzette, so heftig zusammengestoßen, daß das Verdeck der Bierkamionette mitsamt dem Sitz 4 Meter weit weggeschleudert worden war. Desgleichen hatte der Kraftwagen des Hrn. Stroesser schweren Schaden erlitten. In jedem Wagen saßen 2 Personen, die alle vier verletzt wurden, besonders der jüngere Bruder Stroessers, namens Eduard Heinrich Stroesser. Als Zivilpartei hatte Marcel Stroesser von Schreiner wegen Beschädigung seines Autos eine Schadenersatzsumme von 10 800 Fr. Verlangt. Seinerseits verlangte Eduard Stroesser von Schreiner eine moralische und materielle Entschädigung von 32 381 Fr. und im Falle einer gerichtlichen Expertise eine Anzahlung von 5000 Fr. Schließlich forderte Schreiner von Marcel Stroesser wegen Beschädigung seiner Kamionette usw. Eine Summe von rund 14 000 Fr. Das Gericht verurteilte Schreiner zu einer Buße von 200 Fr. Sowie zur Zahlung einer provisorischen Entschädigung von 1500 Fr. An Edouard Stroesser. Stroesser wurde mit einer Buße von 300 Fr. Bedacht. Des weitern bestimmte das Gericht Hrn. Dr. Leo Molitor, Assistenzartzt am Bakteriologischen Laboratorium, zum Sachverständigen und vertagte schließlich die diesbuzüglichen Verhandlungen auf den 12. März 1936.


Police court.
Luxembourg, December 6, 1935.
At the intersection of Luxemburger- and Schifflinger street, in the vicinity of Monnerich, on February 2 the small truck of beer merchant Julius Schreiner and the car of car-maker Marcel Peter Stroesser, both from Esch-sur-Alzette, so violently collided that the top of the beer truck, together with the seat, was thrown 4 yards. Likewise, Mr. Stroesser's motor vehicle suffered serious damage. Two people were seated in each car, and all four were injured, particularly the younger Stroesser brother, named Eduard Heinrich Stroesser. Marcel Stroesser demanded a civil compensation of 10,800 francs from Schreiner because of damage to his car. For his part, Eduard Stroesser demanded from Schreiner a moral and material compensation of 32,381 francs and an advance payment of 5000 francs in the event of a judicial examination. Finally Schreiner demanded of Marcel Stroesser a total of around 14,000 francs because of damage to his truck, etc. The court sentenced Schreiner to a fine of 200 francs and to pay a provisional compensation of 1500 francs to Edouard Stroesser. Stroesser was rewarded with a fine of 300 francs. The court farther determined Mr. Dr. Leo Molitor, assistant physician at the Bacteriological Laboratory, for experts and finally postponed the negotiations on this issue to March 12, 1936.

I find it interesting that in this article Eduard is called the younger brother, though his birth certificate proves that he was actually more than two years older than his sibling.

In regard to the postponement of the negotiations, I have yet to find any article that reports the final results. I am also a bit confused about the introduction of Dr. Leo Molitor, and what an assistant physician at the Bacteriological Laboratory would have to do with this issue.


Gerichts-Zeitung:Zuchtpolizeigericht,” Luxemburger Wort, 6 Dec 1935, p. 6, col. 1; digital images, Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg ( : accessed 20 Oct 2012), Digitized by the National Library of Luxembourg,

Monday, December 1, 2014

Amanuensis Monday: Marcel STROESSER’s birth certificate

Yes, I know I have already posted an Amanuensis Monday for my Luxembourg record project this week, but since it is such an enormous project, and since I already have another one ready... well, here it is.

Much as the situation described in the last post, the existence of Marcel STROESSER was first discovered in his father’s obituary, though the relationship was not explicitly stated and could only be surmised. His mother’s obituary strengthened the supposition, but the relationship was not proven until I discovered his birth certificate.

This image has been trimmed from the original at FamilySearch.

Transcription (the italicized parts were handwritten on the record):

Im Jahre tausend neun hundert und elf, den zwanzig zweiten
des Monats Januer um halbelf Uhr vor mittags ist vor Uns
Armand Spoo, Bürgermeister Beamten des Zivilstandes
der Gemeinde Esch , im Kanton Esch , Großher=
zogtum Luxemburg, erschienen Stroesser Baltasar, Wagner,
alt dreißig fünf Jahre vater des Kinder
wohnhaft zu Esch , welcher Uns ein Kind männlichen
Geschlechts vorgestellt hat, geboren zu Esch vorgestern
um fünf Uhr vor= mittags, im Hause Nr. 1 Norbert Metz platz Gasse,
erzeugt von den comparenten und dessen Ehefrau
Kayser Anna, alt dreissig jahre
und welchem er die Vornamen Marcelle Sébastian Peter
geben zu wollen erklärt hat.
Diese Erklärung und Vorstellung sind geschehen in Gegenwart des Michel
Kinnen , alt zwanzig sechs Jahre Wagner
wohnhaft zu Eschalzette und des Peter Reitz
alt zwanzig drei Jahre Wagner
wohnhaft zu Esch alzette und haben die Komparenten diese
Urkunde, nachdem sie ihnen vorgelesen worden, mit Uns unterschrieben.

Line by line Translation:

In the Year one thousand nine hundred and eleven, the twenty second
of the Month of January at ten thirty o'clock before noon is before Us
Armand Spoo, Burgermeister Officials of the Civil State
of the Commune of Esch , in the Canton Esch , Grand-
duchy of Luxembourg, appeared Stroesser Baltasar, Coach-builder
aged thirty five Years father of the Child
residing in Esch , which to us a child of the male
Gender has presented, born in Esch the day before yesterday
at five O’clock before- noon, in House No. 1 Norbert Metz place Street,
begat by the appearing party and his Wife
Kayser Anna, aged thirty years
and which he the First Name Marcelle Sebastian Peter
has declared to want to give.
This Statement and Presentation are done in the Presence of Michel
Kinnen , aged twenty six Years, Coach-builder
residing in Esch-sur-Alzette and Peter Reitz
aged twenty three Years Coach-builder
residing in Esch-sur-Alzette and the Appearing Parties have this
Deed, having been read to them, with us signed.

As you can see, this birth certificate explicitly identifies Marcel’s parents as Baltasar STROESSER and Anna KAYSER, as expected. It also gives the address of the family as 1 Norbert Metz Place, the same residence as given on Edy STROESSER’s (Marcel’s brother) birth certificate.

This certificate also gave me a bit of help on my translations. You may recall from my first post in this series that I had not found a direct translation for the word “Comparenten,” which appears often on these documents. However, in this case the word was written with a K, as “Komparenten,” which I had never before seen. That word, I discovered, still does not appear in my German-English dictionary, but it does appear on Google Translate, where it is translated as “appearing person,” “appearing persons,” “appearing parties,” “appearing party,” or “above appearing.” So it seems that my understanding of the word was accurate, though I had not come up with a convenient English phrase to replace it. However, in the future I will know what phrase to use.


Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, birth certificate no. 31 (1911), Marcelle Sébastian Peter Stroesser; digital image #424 of 975, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, “Naissances 1908-1913,” FamilySearch ( : accessed 26 Oct 2014).

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Amanuensis Monday: Edy STROESSER’s birth certificate

This week I continue my project of transcribing Luxembourg sources with the birth certificate of Eduard STROESSER.

The obituary of Baltasar STROESSER referred to one of his survivors as “Edy STROESSER.” At the time I first accessed that article, I had never heard of anyone of that name, nor had I any information about the possible children of Baltasar STROESSER. I surmised that this Edy, and the next named Marcel, were Baltasar’s sons. The obituary of Anna KAYSER, Baltasar’s wife, strengthened this hypothesis. Her first identified survivors were Eduard and Marzel STROESSER. Although the names are not identical, they are clearly similar enough to likely refer to the same people.

This thought led me, naturally, to the Luxembourg civil registration digital images at FamilySearch. Luck was with me, as there was indeed a collection of birth records for the time and place that would have been most likely for the children or Baltasar and Anna.

So once again I began the familiar task of looking through registers page by digital page to reconstruct a family. And once again success smiled upon me. About a year after the marriage of Anna and Baltasar, just when a child might be expected, a child appeared in the record. And, sure enough, he was named Eduard.

This image has been trimmed from the original at FamilySearch.

Transcription (the italicized parts were handwritten on the record):

Im Jahre tausend neun hundert acht, den achtzehnten
des Monats Oktober um zehn Uhr Vor= mittags ist vor Uns
Jacob Stoffel, Schöffen delegirten Beamten des Civilstandes
der Gemeinde Esch , im Kanton Esch, Großher=
zogthum Luxemburg, erschienen Baltasar Stroesser, Wagner.
alt dreißig drei Jahre Vater des Kindes
wohnhaft zu Esch , welcher Uns ein Kind mannlichen
Geschlechts vorgestellt hat, geboren zu Esch, vorgestern
um neun Uhr Nach mittags, im Hause Nr. 1 Norbert Metz Platz= Gasse,
erzeugt von dem Comparenten und dessen Ehefrau
Anna Kayser, alt acht und zwanzig Jahre
und welchem er den Vornamen Eduard Heinrich
geben zu wollen erklärt hat.
Diese Erklärung und Vorstellung sind geschehen in Gegenwart Sebastian
Kayser, alt dreißig ein Jahre Ackerer,
wohnhaft zu Esch, und des Michel Rinnen,
Wagener, alt zwanzig fünf Jahre
wohnhaft zu Esch, und haben die Comparenten diese
Urkunde, nachdem sie ihnen vorgelesen worden, mit Uns unterschrieben.

Line by line Translation:

In the Year one thousand nine hundred and eight, the eighteenth
of the Month of October at ten o'clock Before noon is before Us
Jacob Stoffel, Alderman delegate Officials of the Civil State
of the Commune of Esch , in the Canton Esch, Grand-
duchy of Luxembourg, appeared Baltasar Stroesser, Coach-builder
aged thirty three Years Father of the Child
residing in Esch , which to us a child of the male
Gender has presented, born in Esch, the day before yesterday
at nine O’clock After noon, in House No. 1 Norbert Metz Place- Street,
begat by the Comparent and his Wife
Anna Kayser, aged twenty eight Years
and which he the First Name Eduard Heinrich
has declared to want to give.
This Statement and Presentation are done in the Presence of Sebastian
Kayser, aged thirty one Years, Farmer,
residing in Esch and Michel Rinnen,
Coach-builder, aged twenty five Years
residing in Esch, and the Appearing Parties have this
Deed, having been read to them, with us signed.

Apart from the confirmation that Eduard was the son of Baltasar STROESSER and Anna KAYSER, this record supplies another piece of new information: the family’s address in Esch-sur-Alzette. Addresses now inspire me with excitement, ever since the use of Google street view occurred to me last year. So upon translating this certificate, I hurried there. Unfortunately, the address took me to a complicated intersection and I wasn’t able to determine exactly which building corresponded to the address, but I didn’t give up. A regular internet search took me to an auction site called Delcampe containing old post cards of the area. Some of them I was able to recognize as the same area I had seen in street view. Upon closer inspection, several of them included in the photograph a business with the word “Wagner” painted in bold letters on the front. Could this be the home and business location of my Baltasar STROSSER, wagner? I cannot say for sure, but it certainly seems possible. Even more thrilling, one of the post cards depicted a small family standing in front of that particular business. Perhaps it is the STROESSER family in person.


Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, birth certificate no. 408 (1908), Eduard Heinrich Stroesser; digital image #107 of 975, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, “Naissances 1908-1913,” FamilySearch ( : accessed 26 Oct 2014).

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Amanuensis Monday: Anna KAYSER’s death

In last week’s installment of my Luxembourg source project, I presented the obituary of Balthasar STROESSER; this week I present that of his wife, Anna KAYSER. It, too, was found at the digitized newspaper archives at the Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg.

I find it interesting to note historic political forces at work in these articles expressed through the subtle means of language. Baltasar’s obituary, in 1939, is in French, and the entire newspaper is bilingual. Anna’s, just a few years later in 1941, is in German, as is the entire newspaper. At this time, Luxembourg’s press was under the control of the occupying Nazis.

This was trimmed from the original at Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg.


Es hat Gott dem Allmächtigen gefallen unsere innigstgeliebte Mutter, Schwiegermutter, Schwester, Schwägerin, Tante und Kusine
Frau Witwe Balthasar STROESSER
geb. Anna KAYSER
zu sich zu nehmen. Sie starb plötzlich und unerwartet in Esch/Alz. Am 4. Dezember, gegen 3 Uhr nachmittags, wohlversehen mit den hl. Sterbesakramenten im Alter von 61 Jahren.

Das Begräbnis findet statt am Sonntag, dem 7. Dezember, um 3 Uhr 15, ab Sterbehaus Luxemburgerstrasse 40 nach dem Friedhof Lallingen.

Der Leichendienst findet statt am Montag, dem 8. Dezember, um 10 Uhr.

In tiefer Trauer: Herr Eduard Stroesser; Herr Marzel Stroesser u. Frau geb. Mia Kieffer; die Familien Nik. Roth-Kayser, Jos. Kayser-Stemper u. Kinder, Frau J. P. Kayser-Kayser, Frau Seb. Kayser-Dams u. Kinder, Pet. Heymans-Stroesser u. Kinder; die Familien Kayser, Ries, Bock und alle Anverwandten.

Esch/Alz., Rambruch, den 5. Dezember 1941.



God the Almighty has taken our beloved mother, mother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, aunt and cousin
Mrs. Widow Balthasar STROESSER
née Anna KAYSER
She died suddenly and unexpectedly in Esch/Alz on December 4th, about 3:00 P.M., well provided with holy Last Sacraments at the age of 61.

The funeral will take place on Sunday, December 7, at 3:15, from the mortuary [21 July 2015 correction: place of death--Thank you to the Unknown commentator below!] 40 Luxembourg Street to the Lallange cemetery.

The funeral service will take place on Monday, December 8, at 10:00.

In deep mourning: Mr. Eduard Stroesser; Mr. Marzel Stroesser and wife born Mia Kieffer; the family of Nik. Roth-Kayser, Jos. Kayser-Stemper and children, Mrs. J. P. Kayser-Kayser, Mrs. Seb. Kayser-Dams and children, Pet. Heymans-Stroesser and children; the Kayser, Ries, and Bock families and all relatives.

Esch/Alz., Rambrouch, the 5 December 1941.

Like that of her husband, Anna KAYSERs obituary provides a wealth of information. We learn not only the date and place of her death and burial, but are able to fill in more information on other members of her family.

The Edy STROESSER of Balthasars obituary has become Eduard STROESSER, and Marcel STROESSER has become Marzel STROESSER, one through the use of diminutives and one presumably through the change from French to German. We see that since his fathers death in 1939, Marcel has married someone named Mia KIEFFER.

The various KAYSER families listed are presumably Annas siblings and their spouses. The HEYMANS-STROESSER family is her sister-in-laws family, as I mentioned in last weeks post.

Anna KAYSERs mother’s maiden name, according to Balthasar and Anna’s marriage certificate, was RIES, which explains the presence of the RIES family in the list. I dont know who the BOCK family was, however. Nor am I likely to solve that mystery any time soon, as Anna is not in my direct line, so I am not inclined to spend much time in the search.

Another obituary, this one in the Luxemburger Wort, provides much the same information.

Trimmed from the original at Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg.



Am 4. Dezember verschied in Esch-Alz., im Alter von 61 Jahren, wohlversehen mit den hl. Sterbesakramenten, unsere innigstgeliebte Mutter, Schwiegermutter, Schwester, Schwägerin, Tante u. Kusine
Frau Witwe Balthasar STROESSER
geb. Anna KAYSER
Begräbnis in Esch-Alz., Sonntag, den 7. Dezember, um 3 Uhr, ab Luxemburger Straße 40, nach dem Friedhof Lallingen. Leichendienst am Montag, den 8. Dez., um 10 Uhr.

In tiefer Trauer: Herr Eduard Stroesser; Herr Marzell Stroesser und Frau, geb. Mia Kieffer; die Familien Nik. Roth-Kayser, Jos. Kayser-Stemper, J. P. Kayser-Kayser, Seb. Kayser-Dams, Peter Heymans-Stroesser, Kayser, Ries, Bock und alle Anverwandten.

Esch-Alz., Rambruch, den 5. Dezember 1941.


Died on December 4 in Esch-Alz., at the age of 61 years, well provided with the holy Last Sacraments, our beloved mother, mother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, aunt and cousin
Mrs. Widow Balthasar STROESSER
née Anna KAYSER
Funeral in Esch-Alz., Sunday, December 7, at 3:00, from Luxemburger Street 40, to the Lallange cemetery. Funeral service on Monday, December 8, at 10:00.

In deep mourning: Mr. Eduard Stroesser; Mr. Marzell Stroesser and wife, born Mia Kieffer; the families of Nik. Roth-Kayser, Jos. Kayser-Stemper, J. P. Kayser-Kayser, Seb. Kayser-Dams, Peter Heymans-Stroesser, Kayser, Ries, Bock and all relatives.

Esch-Alz., Rambrouch, December 5, 1941.

Like her husband, Anna KAYSER appeared again in the newspaper a while later, when her family gave thanks for sympathy and condolences.

Trimmed from the original at Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg.



Da es uns unmöglich ist, allen unseren Verwandten, Freunden und Bekannten persönlich zu danken für die vielen Beweise herzlicher Teilnahme beim Tode unserer unvergesslichen Mutter, Schwiegermutter, Schwester Schwägerin, Tante und Kusine
Frau Witwe Balthasar STROESSER
geb. Anna KAYSER
sprechen wir hiermit allen unseren tiefgefühlten und wärmsten Dank aus.

Besonderen Dank für die vielen schönen Kranz- und Blumenspenden.

Die Sechswochenmesse wird durch Stillmessen ersetzt.
Die trauernde Familie.
Esch, den 15. Januar 1942


Since it is impossible for us to personally thank all our relatives, friends and acquaintances for the many proofs of heartfelt participation in the death of our unforgettable mother, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt and cousin
Mrs. Widow Balthasar STROESSER
née Anna KAYSER
we speak here all our heartfelt and warmest thanks.

A special thanks for the many beautiful wreath and flower contributions.

The six-week Mass is replaced by still Mass [?]
The grieving family.
Esch, January 15, 1942.

This article of acknowledgement is rather less informative than that of Balthasar STROESSER. None of the survivors are mentioned by name.

You will note that in my translation I was puzzled by the phrase “Die Sechswochenmesse wird durch Stillmessen ersetzt.” The six-week Mass, or Sechswochenmesse being replaced is apparently the one mentioned in Balthasars obituary, but the “Stillmessen” replacing it failed to appear in my German-English dictionary. Google Translate called it a “still fair,” which made no sense at all.

I am somewhat familiar with Roman Catholic funeral customs, having been Catholic my entire life, but I must admit I have never heard of anything that I could imagine translating into “still Mass.” A preliminary search on the internet also leaves me clueless. I wonder whether it is something that Vatican II changed, or if it is perhaps a local custom.


Frau Witwe Balthasar STROESSER,” Escher Tageblatt, 15 Dec 1941, p. 6, col. 1; digital images, Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg ( : accessed 21 Oct 2012), Digitized by the National Library of Luxembourg,

Frau Witwe Balthasar STROESSER,” Luxemburger Wort, 5 Dec 1941, p. 6, col. 1; digital images, Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg ( : accessed 15 Nov 2014), Digitized by the National Library of Luxembourg,

Danksagung: Frau Witwe Balthasar Stroesser, Escher Tageblatt, 15 Jan 1942, p. 6, col. 1; digital images, Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg ( : accessed 15 Nov 2014), Digitized by the National Library of Luxembourg,