Yes, I know I have
already posted an Amanuensis Monday for my Luxembourg record project
this week, but since it is such an enormous project, and since I
already have another one ready... well, here it is.
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This image has been trimmed from the original at FamilySearch. |
Transcription (the italicized parts were handwritten on the record):
Im Jahre tausend neun hundert und elf, den zwanzig zweitendes Monats Januer um halbelf Uhr vor mittags ist vor UnsArmand Spoo, Bürgermeister Beamten des Zivilstandesder Gemeinde Esch , im Kanton Esch , Großher=zogtum Luxemburg, erschienen Stroesser Baltasar, Wagner,alt dreißig fünf Jahre vater des Kinderwohnhaft zu Esch , welcher Uns ein Kind männlichenGeschlechts vorgestellt hat, geboren zu Esch vorgesternum fünf Uhr vor= mittags, im Hause Nr. 1 Norbert Metz platz Gasse,erzeugt von den comparenten und dessen EhefrauKayser Anna, alt dreissig jahreund welchem er die Vornamen Marcelle Sébastian Petergeben zu wollen erklärt hat.Diese Erklärung und Vorstellung sind geschehen in Gegenwart des MichelKinnen , alt zwanzig sechs Jahre Wagnerwohnhaft zu Eschalzette und des Peter Reitzalt zwanzig drei Jahre Wagnerwohnhaft zu Esch alzette und haben die Komparenten dieseUrkunde, nachdem sie ihnen vorgelesen worden, mit Uns unterschrieben.
Line by line Translation:
In the Year one thousand nine hundred and eleven, the twenty secondof the Month of January at ten thirty o'clock before noon is before UsArmand Spoo, Burgermeister Officials of the Civil Stateof the Commune of Esch , in the Canton Esch , Grand-duchy of Luxembourg, appeared Stroesser Baltasar, Coach-builderaged thirty five Years father of the Childresiding in Esch , which to us a child of the maleGender has presented, born in Esch the day before yesterdayat five O’clock before- noon, in House No. 1 Norbert Metz place Street,begat by the appearing party and his WifeKayser Anna, aged thirty yearsand which he the First Name Marcelle Sebastian Peterhas declared to want to give.This Statement and Presentation are done in the Presence of MichelKinnen , aged twenty six Years, Coach-builderresiding in Esch-sur-Alzette and Peter Reitzaged twenty three Years Coach-builderresiding in Esch-sur-Alzette and the Appearing Parties have this
Deed, having been read to them, with us signed.
you can see, this birth certificate explicitly identifies Marcel’s
parents as Baltasar STROESSER and Anna KAYSER, as expected. It also
gives the address of the family as 1 Norbert Metz Place, the same
residence as given on Edy STROESSER’s (Marcel’s brother) birth certificate.
certificate also gave me a bit of help on my translations. You may
recall from my first post in this series
that I had not found a direct translation for the word “Comparenten,”
which appears often on these documents. However, in this case the
word was written with a K, as “Komparenten,” which I had never
before seen. That word, I discovered, still does not appear in my
German-English dictionary, but it does appear on Google Translate,
where it is translated as “appearing person,” “appearing
persons,” “appearing parties,” “appearing party,” or “above
appearing.” So it seems that my understanding of the word was
accurate, though I had not come up with a convenient English phrase
to replace it. However, in the future I will know what phrase to use.
Luxembourg, birth certificate no. 31 (1911), Marcelle Sébastian
Peter Stroesser; digital image #424 of 975, Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-Day Saints, “Naissances 1908-1913,” FamilySearch
: accessed 26 Oct 2014).
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