Monday, October 7, 2024

Amanuensis Monday: 1798 deed from William Wells Esquire to David Fox

This deed could prove quite interesting when I get to the point of analysis, as there are a number of deeds within the Fox family during this and the previous year. Most of them are in Washington county, Pennsylvania, but this one is in Hamilton county, Ohio. The buyer, David Fox, is my 5great-grandfather.

[p. 256]
This Indenture made the sixteenth day of Feb-
-ruary in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and ninety eight between Wil-
-liam Wells Esquire of the county of Hamilton
in the Territotory of the united States north west
of the River ohio of the one part and David
Fox of the same place of the other part wit-
-nesseth that the said William Wells for and
in consideration ot two thousand and eighty
Dollars to him in hand well and truly paid
at or before the ensealing or Delivery of these pre-
-sesnts by the aforesaid David Fox the receipt
whereof the said William Wells doth hereby ask-
-nowledge and thereof & therefrom doth acquit exon-
-erate and discharge the aforesaid David Fox
his heirs and assigns forever, have given granted
bargained sold aliened, released enfeoffed conveyed
and confirmed and by these presents do give grant
bargain sell alien release, enfeoff, convey, and con-
-firm, unto the said David Fox his heirs and
assigns forever. All that entire section numbered
Thirteen, situate lying and being in the fourth Town-
-ship in the third or military range in the miami
purchase in the county of Hamilton and Territory
aforesaid containing six six hundred and forty
acres. To have and to hold the above described
premises to the said David Fox his heirs and
assigns to the only proper use, benefit and behoof
of the said David Fox his heirs and assigns
forever. And the said William Wells for him-
-self his heirs executors and administrators doth
covenant grant and agree to and with the said
David Fox his heirs & assigns that all and singular
the above described premises against all and every
lawful claim and demand whatsoever to the said
David Fox his heirs and assign will forever
warrant and defend by these presents. In Witness
whereof I the said William Wells have hereunto set my

[p. 257]
hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed Sealed &c )
in the presence of ) Wm Wells (seal)
Jno. S. Eano )
Levi Woodward ) Territory of the United states
North West of the River ohio Hamilton ss.
Before me Aaron Cadwell Esq. one of the Jus-
-tices of the court of Common pleas in the county
aforesaid came personally Wells Esquire the within
grantor who acknowledged the within Instrument
of writing to be his voluntary act and Deed for
the uses and purposes therein contained agreeable
to the statute &c In Witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal at Sin-
-cinnati the seventeenth day of February in the year
of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
ninety eight.
Aaron Cadwell (seal)


Hamilton, Ohio, Deeds 1787-1877 ; index 1787-1878, C-1: 256-257 (image #145 of 557), William Wells Esquire to David Fox, deed, 16 Feb 1798; digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, "Deeds v. C-D 1796-1807," FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 Sept 2024). 

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