Sunday, November 9, 2014

Amanuensis Monday: Baltasar STROESSER’s marriage certificate

This entry in my Luxembourg record project turned out to be something of a scramble, for although I had a date and place recorded for this marriage, I had never actually dug up the original certificate. Goodness knows where I had originally found the data! And so this project turns out to provide another benefit: forcing me to back up my information with reliable sources.

You may recall from the last post in this series that Baltasar STROESSER was my great-grandfather Harry STROESSER’s second eldest brother. He was born in Heispelt, Luxembourg on 15 June 1875, the son of Peter STROESSER and Barbara THINES (or THIENES, as she appears in this document).

This image has been trimmed from the original at FamilySearch.

Transcription (the italicized parts were handwritten on the record):

Im Jahre tausend neun hundert sieben den sieben und zwansigsten dezember
um sechs Uhr Neuf mittags, sind vor uns Jacob Hoffel, Schöffe delegirter
Beamten des Civilstandes der Gemeinde Esch an der
Alzette im Großherzogthum Lútzemburg erschienen Baltasar Stroesser
Wagener , alt dreißig zwei Jahre, geboren zu
Heispelt Gemeinde Wahl , den fünfzehnten Juni tausend acht
hundert fünf und fiebenzig wohnhaft zu Esch an der Alzette
groß- jáhriger Sohn von den zu Schwiedelbrauch
gemäß beigefügten Attesten verlebten Eheleute Peter Stroesser und
Barbara Thienes
die Geburt des Bräutigams ersellt und beigefügtem Akte
Und Anna Kayser, ohne Stand , alt zwanzig sieben Jahre
geboren zu Esch an der Alzette, laut den Civilstandsregistan den
achten Mai tausend acht hundert achtzig wohnhaft
zu Esch an der Alzette, groß- jährige Zochter
von dem zu Esch an der Alzette verlebten Johann Peter Kayser
und der uberlebenden Margaretha Ries Eigentumeren wohnhaft
in Esch an der Alzette, welche hier anwesend ist, den Tod ihre
Ehegatten attestiert, und en gegenwärtige heirath ihren Zochter
einzuwilligen erklärt; Anderseits.
Welche uns ersucht haben, zu der unter ihnen übereingekommenen Vollziehung ihrer Heirath zu schreiten, und deren Verkündigungen zu Esch
an der Alzette, in der gesetzlichen Frist,
-- Statt gehabt haben.
Die Brautleute haben beigebracht: 1º Einen Auszug -- ausgestellt vom
Civilstands=Beamten von -- am --
2º Eine Bescheinigung des Civilstands=Beamten von --
ausgestellt am --
bestätigend, daß oben erwähnte Verkündigung Statt gehabt, ohne daß gegen dieselbe Einspruch erhoben worden ist.
Da uns kein Widerspruch genen gedachte Heirath verkündet worden, so lassen wir ihrem Begehren Recht wiedersahren; und nachdem Wir alle obenerwähnten
Akten, von Uns und den Parteien paraphirt um dem Heirathsakte beigefügt zu bleiben, sowie das 6. Kapitel des Civilgesetzbuches, von der Heirath betitelt
vorgelesen, haben Wir den Bräutigam und die Braut gesragt, ob sie sich zum Mann und zur Frau nehmen wollen; da beide jedes besonders und bejahend
geantwortet haben, so erklären wir im Namen des Gesetzes, daß Baltasar Stroesser und Anna
Kayser durch die Heirath vereinigt sind.
Und vor Abschluß der gegenwärtigen Urkunde richteten Wir sowohl an die Brautleute als an die obbenannten Erscheinenden, welche zu dieser Ehe ihre Ein=
willigung ertheilten, die Aufforderung zu erklären, ob ein notarieller Ehevertrag die Civilbestimmungen selber Ehe geregelt hätte und, im bejahenden Falle, wann
und vor welchem Notar, worauf die Gefragten Uns erklärten, ein solcher Ehevertrag sei --
beurkundet worden.
Von allem diesem haben Wir diesen Urkunde errichtet und zwar in Gegenwart des Nicolas Paulus
Mechaniker alt zwanzig acht Jahre,
wohnhaft zu Esch an der Alzette
Des Nicolas Roth, Klaxonnirer alt sechzig ein Jahre,
wohnhaft zu Esch an der Alzette
Des Mathias Roth, Klaxonnirer alt zwanzig ein Jahre,
wohnhaft zu Esch an der Alzette
Und des Johann Pütz, Commis alt dreißig Jahre,
wohnhaft zu Esch an der Alzette, Keiner mit den Brautleuten verwandt
Welche, nachdem sie ihnen vorgelesen worden ist, dieselbe mit Uns unterschrieben haben.
Who, after having it read to them, have undersigned.

Line by line Translation:

In the Year one thousand nine hundred seven the twenty seventh of december
at six O’clock After noon, before us Jacob Hoffel, Alderman delegate
Officials of the Civil State of the Commune Esch sur
Alzette in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, appeared Baltasar Stroesser
Coach-builder , age thirty two Years, born in
Heispelt Commune of Wahl , on the fifteenth of June one thousand eight
hundred seventy five residing in Esch sur Alzette
of age Son of the Schwiedelbrouch
according to accompanying certificates late Married Couple Peter Stroesser and
Barbara Thienes
For your part
the Birth of the Groom prepared and the attached Record
And Anna Kayser, without occupation , age twenty seven Years
born in Esch-sur-Alzette, according to the Civil Register on the
eighth of May one thousand eight hundred eighty residing
in Esch-sur-Alzette, of age Daughter
of the Esch-sur-Alzette late Johann Peter Kayser
and of the surviving Margaretha Ries Proprietor residing
within Esch-sur-Alzette, which is present here, the Death of her
Spouse attested, and the current marriage their Daughter
Declares consent; On the other hand.
Who have asked us, to proceed with the mutually agreed upon Execution of their Marriage, and their Pronouncements in Esch-
sur-Alzette, in the statutory Period,
-- Have been held.
The Bride and Groom have been instructed: 1st An Abstract -- issued by
the Officials of the Civil State of -- at the --
2nd A Certificate of the Officials of the Civil State of --
issued by --
confirming, that the aforementioned Pronouncements Instead have, without any Objection to the same being raised.
3rd --
Since no Opposition to the intended Marriage has been announced, we can honor their desire; and after We all the aforesaid
Document, with Us and the Parties signed to the Marriage Act attached to stay, as well as the 6th chapter of the Civil Code, of the title Marriage
read, We have the Groom and the Bride questioned, whether it be that they wish to take for Man and Wife; because both each separately and affirming
have responded, as we explained in the Name of the Law, that Baltasar Stroesser and Anna
Kayser are united in Marriage.
And before Entering into the current Act We addressed both the Bride and Groom as to the above distinct Presenters, which to this marriage their Con-
sent give, the Request to declare, if a notarized Marriage Settlement the Civil Provisions themselves the Marriage would have settled and, in the affirmative Case, when
and before which Notary, whereupon the Requested to Us declared, such a Marriage Settlement was --
has been certified.
From all this We have made this Certificate and in the Presence of Nicolas Paulus
Mechanic age twenty eight Years,
residing in Esch sur Alzette
Of Nicolas Roth, Horn-maker [?] age sixty one Years,
residing in Esch sur Alzette
Of Mathias Roth, Horn-maker [?] age twenty one Years,
residing in Esch sur Alzette
And of Johann Putz, Clerk age thirty Years,
residing in Esch-sur-Alzette, None related to the Bride and Groom
Who, after having it read to them, have undersigned.

As the first marriage from the year 1907 (or even the twentieth century) that I have had occasion to translate, I had to create a new template for myself, which I will share with you here. There were a couple places where I had some trouble with the German syntax and can only hope that my translation captures the meaning accurately. Fortunately, those parts were in the legal-speak paragraphs of the document, and not in any place that would leave the significance of a handwritten portion in question. (Although, within one of the handwritten portions of this particular certificate, I also had some syntax issues. I think I accurately figured out the important information, though.)


Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, marriage certificate no. 291 (1907), STROESSER-KAYSER; digital image #366 of 739, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, "Mariages 1905-1910," FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 Oct 2014). 

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