Sunday, December 28, 2014

Amanuensis Monday: Catharina STROESSER’s birth certificate

Here we are, back in Luxembourg. It is just nine months before the dawn of the twentieth century, and just one day before Marconi demonstrated his wireless machine by transmitting a signal across the English Channel. But our minds are far from the excitement of modern technology; we have another kind of excitement much closer to home. Michel STROESSER and Regina STOMP have just had their firstborn child.

You may recall that Michel STROESSER was the eldest brother of my great-grandfather, Harry STROESSER. Michel and his wife had been married just over nine months, so clearly they lost no time in starting their family.

This image has been trimmed from the original at FamilySearch.

Transcription (the italicized parts were handwritten on the record):

Im Jahre tausend acht hundert neun und neunzig, den zwanzig sechsten
des Monats März, um fünf Uhr nach mittags ist vor Uns
Glesener Michel, Bürgermeister, Beamten des Civilstandes
der Gemeinde Folscheid , im Kanton Redingen , Großher=
zogthum Luxemburg, erschienen Stroesser Michel, Schreiner,
alt zwanzig fünf Jahre , Vater des Kindes,
wohnhaft zu Rambruch , welcher Uns ein Kind weiblichen
Geschlechts vorgestellt hat, geboren zu Rambruch, heute
um sieben Uhr vor mittags, im Hause Nr. -- Gasse,
erzeugt von ihm Comparenten und von seiner Ehefrau
Regina Stomp, alt zwanzig ein Jahre, ohne Stand,
wohnhaft zu Rambruch
und welchem er den Vornamen Catharina
geben zu wollen erklärt hat.
Diese Erklärung und Vorstellung sind geschehen in Gegenwart des Becker
Johann Baptiste , alt zwanzig sieben Jahre , Taglöhner,
wohnhaft zu Rambruch und des Glesener
Johann , alt zwanzig vier Jahre , Ackerer,
wohnhaft zu Folscheid und haben die Comparenten diese
Urkunde, nachdem sie ihnen vorgelesen worden, mit Uns unterschrieben.

Line by line Translation:

In the Year one thousand eight hundred and ninety nine, the twenty sixth
of the Month of March, at five o'clock after noon is before Us
Glesener Michel, Burgermeister, Officials of the Civil State
of the Commune of Folschette , in the Canton Redange , Grand-
duchy of Luxembourg, appeared Stroesser Michel, Carpenter,
aged twenty five Years , Father of the Child,
residing in Rambrouch , which to us a child of the female
Gender has presented, born in Rambrouch, today
at seven O’clock before noon, in House No. -- Street,
begat by the Appearing Party and by his Wife
Regina Stomp, aged twenty one Years, without Occupation,
residing in Rambrouch
and which he the First Name Catharina
has declared to want to give.
This Statement and Presentation are done in the Presence of Becker
Johann Baptiste , aged twenty seven Years , Day Laborer,
residing in Rambrouch and Glesener
Johann , aged twenty four Years , Farmer,
residing in Folschette and the Appearing Parties have this
Deed, having been read to them, with us signed.

As usual, if you would like to try your hand at transcribing and translating a similar certificate, you can check out my templates here.


Folschette, Luxembourg, birth certificate no. 8 (1899), Catharina Stroesser; digital image #239 of 699, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, “Naissances 1882-1923 Mariages 1831-1850,” FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 Nov 2014).

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Amanuensis Monday: Michel STROESSER’s marriage certificate

I am going to pause at this point in my Luxembourg record transcription project and back up a bit. You may recall that in the post recording the birth certificate of my great-grandfather’s eldest brother, “Mike” STROESSER, I claimed it was the only Luxembourgish civil registration document for him. I was wrong. Recently, while browsing through the Tables décennales for Folschette, I stumbled across a marriage for Michel STROESSER. Naturally, I hastened to find the certificate and see who this Michel STROESSER was. Lo and behold, it was my great-grandfather’s brother!

A little more browsing through the Tables décennales and tracing the records showed that not only was Michel married in Luxembourg, but had at least three children there before his emigration. Incidentally, all this information turned out to be the key to proving that the Michael STROESSER of Manitoba, Canada was indeed my Michel STROESSER—and led me into communication with a new cousin! This post will present Michel’s marriage record.

This image has been trimmed from the original at FamilySearch.

Transcription (the italicized parts were handwritten on the record):

Im Jahre tausend acht hundert acht und neunzig, den sechsten des Monats Juni
um acht Uhr nach mittags, sind vor Uns Michel Glesener
Bürgermeister, Beamter des Civilstandes der Gemeinde Folscheid,
Burgermeister Officials of the Civil State of the Commune Folschette
im Kanton Redingen, im GroßHerzogthum Luxemburg eschienen Stroesser
Michel, Schreiner, alt zwanzig vier Jahre, geboren zu
Heispelt, Gemeinde Wahl , den dritten Dezember tausend acht
hundert siebenzig drei, wohnhaft zu Rambruch
groß jähriger Sohn des zu Schwiedelbruch am
elften Juni tausend acht hundert drei und neunzig verstorbenen Peter
Stroesser und der zu selbigem Schwiedelbruch am achten Juni
tausend acht hundert neunzig verstorbenen Barbara Thines.
Das Geburtsdatum des Brautigams ist laut Beilage bestätigt,
die Sterbedaten seiner eltern sind laut den hiesigen Civilstands-
registern bestätigt einerseits.
Und Stomp Regina, ohne Stand , alt zwanzig Jahre
geboren zu Ospern, den
zwanzig siebenten April achtzehnhundert siebenzig acht, wohnhaft
zu Eltz, Sektion Ospern, minder jährige Zochter
des zu Ospern (Eltz) am acht und zwanzigsten April tausend acht
hundert acht und neunzig verstorbenen Heinrich Stomp, zeit-
lebens Kalkbrenner, und der hier anwesenden und in diese
Heirath einwilligenden Catharina Charpentier, alt ein und
fünfzig Jahre ohne Stand, wohnhaft zu genanntem Eltz.
Das Geburtsdatum der Braut und der Sterbetag ihres
Vaters sind laut Beilagen bestätigt anderseits.
Welche uns ersucht haben, zu der unter ihnen übereingekommenen Vollziehung ihrer Heirath zu schreiten, und deren Verkündigungen
in den Gemeinden Folscheid und Redingen an den Sonntagen
zwanzig zweiten und zwanzig neunten Mai des laufenden
twenty second and twenty ninth of May of the current
Jahres dem Gesetze gemäß
Statt gehabt haben.
Da uns kein Widerspruch genen gedachte Heirath verkündet worden ist, so lassen wir ihrem Begehren Recht wiedersahren; und nachdem wir alle
obenerwähnten Akten und das 6. Kapitel des Civilgesetzbuches, von der Heirath betitelt, vorgelesen, haben wir den Bräutigam und die Braut
gefragt, ob sie sich zum Mann und zur Frau nehmen wollen; da beide jedes besonders und bejahend, geantwortet haben, so erklären wir im Namen
des Gesetzes, daß Stroesser Michel und Stomp Regina
durch die Heirath vereinigt sind.
Und vor Abschluß der gegenwärtigen Urkunde richteten wir sowohl an die Brautleute als an die obbenannten Erscheinenden,
welche zu dieser Ehe ihre Einwilligung ertheilten, die Aufforderung zu erklären, ob ein notarieller Ehevertrag die Civilbestim=
mungen selber Ehe geregelt hätte und, im bejahenden Falle, wann und vor welchem Notar, worauf die Gefragten uns erklärten
ein solcher Ehevertrag sei nicht
beurkundet worden.
Von allem diesem haben wir diese Urkunde errichtet, und zwar in Gegenwart des Reuter
Peter, Wegewärter, alt fünfzig ein Jahre,
wohnhaft zu Schwiedelbruch, Oheim der Braut;
Des Charpentier Johann, Schneider alt fünfzig sechs Jahre,
wohnhaft zu Rambruch, Vetter der Braut;
Des Heiderscheid Peter, Förster, alt fünfzig vier Jahre,
wohnhaft zu Folscheid, nicht verwandt;
Und des Glesener Johann, Ackerer, alt zwanzig vier Jahre,
wohnhaft zu Foldscheid, nicht verwandt.
Welche, nachdem sie ihnen vorgelesen worden ist, dieselbe mit uns unterschrieben haben. die Mutter
der Braut hat jedoch erklärt, nicht schreiben zu wissen.

Line by line Translation:

In the Year one thousand eight hundred ninety-eight, the sixth of the Month of June
at eight O’clock after noon, before Us Michel Glesener
Burgermeister Officials of the Civil State of the Commune Folschette
in the Canton of Redange in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, appeared Stroesser
Michel, Carpenter, age twenty four Years, born in
Heispelt, Commune Wahl , on the third of December one thousand eight
hundred seventy three, residing in Rambrouch
of age Sohn of at Schwiedelbrouch on
the eleventh of June one thousand eight hundred ninety three died Peter
Stroesser and of the selfsame Schwiedelbrouch on the eighth of June
One thousand eight hundred ninety died Barbara Thines.
The Birthdate of the Bridegroom is according to Enclosure confirmed,
the Death Dates of his parents are according to the local Civil
registers confirmed on the one hand.
And Stomp Regina, without Occupation , age twenty Years
born in Ospern on the
twenty seventh of April eighteen hundred seventy eight residing
in Eltz, Section Ospern, minor Daughter
to the Ospern (Eltz) on the twenty eighth of April one thousand eight
hundred ninety eight the late Heinrich Stomp, in
life Lime Burner, and the here present and in this
Marriage consenting Catharina Charpentier, aged one and
fifty Years without Occupation, residing in so-called Eltz.
The Birthdate of the Bride and the Death Date of her
Father are according to Enclosures confirmed on the other hand.
Who have asked us, to proceed with the mutually agreed upon Execution of their Marriage, and their Pronouncements
in the Communes of Folschette and Redange on the Sundays
twenty second and twenty ninth of May of the current
Year in accordance with the Law
Have been held.
Since no contradiction to the intended marriage has been announced, we can honor their desire; and after we all
the above document and the 6th chapter of the Civil Code, of the Marriage titled, read, we have the Groom and the Bride
questioned, whether it be that they want to take one another for Man and Wife; because both, each particularly and affirming, have responded, as we explained in the Name
of the Law, that Stroesser Michel and Stomp Regina
are united in Marriage.
And before Entering into the current Act we addressed both the Bride and Groom as to the above distinct Presenters,
which to this marriage their Consent give, the Request to declare, if a notarized Marriage Settlement the Civil
Provisions themselves the Marriage would have settled and, in the affirmative Case, when and before which Notary, whereupon the Requested to us declared
such a Marriage Settlement was not
has been certified.
From all this we have made this Certificate, and in the Presence of Reuter
Peter, Road Watchman, age fifty one Years,
residing in Schwiedelbrouch, Uncle of the Bride;
Of Charpentier Johann, Tailor age fifty six Years,
residing in Rambrouch, Cousin of the Bride;
Of Heiderscheid Peter, Forester, age fifty four Years,
residing in Folschette, not related;
And of Glesener Johann, Farmer, age twenty four Years,
residing in Folschette, not related;
Who, after having it read to them, have undersigned. the Mother
of the Bride has however declared, to not know how to write.

Looking carefully over this record, we learn that Michel STROESSER was a carpenter. For some reason, his birth date is given as 3 Dec 1873, when, according to his birth certificate, he was born on the second. At first, I thought perhaps it was a mistake in which the marriage registrar wrote the date of the birth certificate itself rather than the date of birth, but the certificate was recorded on the fourth, not the third.

However, if the mistake of one day was enough to raise some doubt as to the identity of this Michel STROESSER, the identification of his parents immediately removes that doubt. The names and death dates of both his parents are given. Had I not already been in possession of their death dates, this would have been very convenient information. As it is, it only confirms Michel’s identity.

We also learn that Michel’s bride was Regina STOMP, along with her birth date and birthplace, and the names of her parents. Her father has died, but her mother is still alive and approves the marriage. This is important because Regina is still a minor, and parental consent is required for her to marry.

The marriage had been pronounced in both Folschette and Redange on the two previous Sundays, which, I assume, would have been the publication of banns. In Luxembourg, civil banns must be published for at least ten days before the marriage takes place. (That is the current law; I have not yet uncovered the history of the marriage laws, but it was likely similar in 1898.) If, on the other hand, this refers to church banns, there is a slight problem. The Catholic Church required three weeks of banns prior to a marriage.

There was not a marriage settlement. It would take much more research to delve into all the implications of that statement, but for now it will suffice to say that they did not make out a contract regarding property.

The witnesses included two relatives of the bride: Peter REUTER, her uncle, and Johann CHARPENTIER, her cousin, as well as two men said not to be related to either party: Peter HEIDERSCHEID and Johann GLESENER. Lastly, we learn that Catharina CHARPENTIER, the mother of the bride, did not know how to write.

This being the first 1898 marriage license I have had occasion to transcribe and translate, I created a new template for myself. You can view it here


Folschette, Luxembourg marriage certificate 11 (1898), Stroesser-Stomp; digital image #368 of 659, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, “Mariages 1851-1923 Décès 1894-1902,” FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 Nov 2014).

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Amanuensis Monday: Marcel STROESSER’s marriage

In this installment of my Luxembourg record project, we will examine the evidence for the marriage of Marcel STROESSER. You may recall that Marcel was the younger son of Baltasar STROESSER and his wife Anna KAYSER. The elder son, Eduard, apparently never married, or at least it didn’t make the newspaper (or I haven’t found the article) if he did.

The Luxembourg civil registration records online at FamilySearch currently include marriages of Esch-sur-Alzette only up to 1923, so the evidence of Marcel’s marriage is found entirely in the digitized newspaper archives at the Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg.

This was trimmed from the original at Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg.



Zivilstand vom 20. Juni. Geburten: Robert Heinrich, S. v. Peter Ehmann-Steichen, Erzentlader, Esch. – Heiraten: Marzel Sebastian Peter Stroesser, Garagenbesitzer, Esch mit Marie Katharina Kieffer, Soziale Werksfürsorgerin, Esch. – Sterbefälle: Franziska Katharina Prim, 77 Jahre, Witwe von Jakob Howald, Esch.


Civil registry from 20 June. Births: Robert Heinrich, S. v. [I presume this is an abbreviation for “son of”] Peter Ehmann-Steichen, Erzentlader, Esch. – Marriages: Marzel Sebastian Peter Stroesser, Garage owner, Esch with Marie Katharina Kieffer, Social Worker, Esch. – Deaths: Franziska Katharina Prim, 77 Years, Widow of Jakob Howald, Esch.

Although a very brief announcement of the marriage, it is rather informative. Marcel is described by his full name, leaving no doubt of his identity, even though his first name has been Germanized to Marzel. Apparently he has followed near his father’s footsteps, his occupation of garage owner being akin to Baltasar’s occupation of coach-building. In his 1935 accident, his occupation is even closer to coach-building, being described as Wagenbauers, or “car maker.” Incidentally, I rather suspect that by the time of his death, Baltasar’s “coaches” were actually automobiles.

We also learn the bride’s full name, and learn that she is a social worker. Somewhat amusingly, “Soziale Werksfürsorgerin” translates literally into “social work social worker,” as “soziale werks” is “social work” and “fürsorgerin” is “social worker.” Perhaps someone more conversant with the German language can explain the reason for the redundancy?

On the very next page of the same issue of the Tageblatt is another announcement of the marriage, this one even more brief.

This was trimmed from the original at Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg.



Geburten: Eine Tochter für Herr und Frau Dr. Weihnachter-Weis, Mersch.

Vermählte: Mia Kieffer, Marzell Strosser, Esch-Alzig.

Todesfälle: Johann Pündel, Luxemburg-Limpertsberg, 68 Jahre alt; Nikolaus Courtois, Kaufmann, Differdingen, 66 Jahre alt; Jakob Richard, Gemeindebote, Münsbach, 62 Jahre alt; Karl Leclerc, Schifflingen, 17 Jahre alt; Frau Witwe Joh. Pet. Pieres, Wilwerwilz, 76 Jahre alt; Joh. Peter Schiltz, Niederkorn, 90 Jahre alt.


Family news.
Births: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Weihnachter-Weis, Mersch.

Married: Mia Kieffer, Marzell Strosser, Esch-sur-Alzette.

Deaths: Johann Pundel, Luxemburg-Limpertsberg, 68 years old; Nikolaus Courtois, businessman, Differdingen, 66 years old; Jakob Richard, courier, Munsbach, 62 years old; Karl Leclerc, Schifflange, 17 years old; Mrs. Widow Joh. Pet. Pieres, Wilwerwiltz, 76 years old; Joh. Peter Schiltz, Niederkorn, 90 years old.

Clearly this adds nothing to the knowledge we have already gleaned from the previous announcement, but it is still one of my sources, so I am including it. It also contains the names of a number of other people, and perhaps someone will find the information about one of them useful.


Ausder Stadt Esch: Zivilstand vom 20. Juni,” Escher Tageblatt, 21 June 1941, p. 3, col. 1; digital images, Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg ( : accessed 15 Nov 2014), Digitized by the National Library of Luxembourg,

StadtDüdelingen: Familiennachrichten,” Escher Tageblatt, 21 June 1941, p. 4, col. 4; digital images, Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg ( : accessed 15 Nov 2014), Digitized by the National Library of Luxembourg,