This document relates to a branch of my family that hasn't featured very strongly my research. In fact, it is the first primary source I have cited for this particular 5great-grandfather. As such, the "facts" I may state in this post are heavily reliant on secondary sources and are liable to error. But let's charge forward anyway.
William B. Jones was my 5great-grandfather, and he was living in Fleming county, Kentucky at the time of his death in 1863.
These two documents detail his personal estate and the sale thereof.
[in margin:]Jones Wm B.Inventory +AppraismentA True and Just Inventory and Appraismentof all the personal Estate of Wm. B. Jones deceased. whichwas produced to us by John Lawson his administratorNotes and accounts to wit.1 Note on Thos. F. Keerans + Noble Johnsondue 17th March 1861. for $35.001 receipt of William O. Phillips for note for )collection on Isabel Keithley B. T. Hayden )& Jas. M. McGregor due 1st March 1861 for ) $440.00with the following credits $42. by A Williams )Also $4.40c 23 Sept 1861 & $1..6372c1 Note on Wm. Pickrell & Samuel Estill due 6."Feb. 1863 -for- $234.281 Note on Jas. Thompson due 1st April 1861 for $21.351 [Note on] Jos. D. Pleak and Stalver = 7" Jany 1861 $7.281 [Note on] Thos. J. Atchison = 7" June 1861 $14.84with a credit on same 2nd Aug1861 for One Dollar1 [Note on] Abslem Powell due 8" June 1854 $28.751 [Note on] account on Allen Page for $16.001 Double Barrel Shot Gun 12.001 Silver Watch 8.001 Brass clock 5.001 Straw Bed & furniture 1.501 feather Bed Stead & furniture 5.001 fallen leaf Table 2.001 pair fire Irons .751 Shovel & Tongs .503 Jugs .502 augers. hand Saw. and drawing Knife 2.101 Stand 4.001 Trunk 2.501 Chest & Toilet 2.501 Trunk .501 Look. Glass .751 Lot Books 2.001 Press & cupboard ware 2.002 horns .252 fish Buckets .501 half Bushel & wooden Bowl .507 crocks .751 Lot Tin ware 2 Brass Kettles &c 2.001 pair Steelyards 2.002 smoothing Irons .501 Partridge net & 2 dip nets 2.001 Razor & Strop &c .751 Large Kettle 1.502 ovens, Skillet & 2 Leds 2.003 Stone Jars .251 Lot Blls. & Tubs .501 hemp hook .751 hoe, matick. & rake 1.001 Box & Old Irons .501 hatchet .501 axe, Iron wedge, 2 augers & curry comb 1.001 hammer & small skillet .504 chairs 2.005 Pewter plates .251 acct. on Jas. Johnson for 12 Gall. whiskey 12.00We do certify that the foregoing appraisement wasTruly and Justly made of the personal propertyof William B. Jones deceased. which was producedTo us by his administrator. To the best of ourJudgment all of which we respectfully report tothe Fleming County Court.Given under our hands this 2ond day of April 1863.G. PickrellA. WilliamsG. W. Naylor
I do certify that the foregoing Inventory containsall the personal estate of William. B. Jones deceasedwhich hath come to my hands. this 2ond April 1863.John Lawson ) administratorFleming County sct.George Naylor & A. Williams who have been appointedby the Fleming County court to 20 view andAppraise the Personal estate of William. B. Jonesdeceased. Personally appeared before the subscribera Justice of the Peace for said county and weresworn to view and appraise such estate as shallbe produced to them truly and Justly to the bestof their Judgment. - Given under my hand2ond. April 1863. G. Pickrell J.P.At a court held for Fleming County on the 27thday of April 1863. This Inventory and Appraismentof the estate of William B. Jones Decd. was producedin court. examined and ordered to be recordedwhich is duly done.Attest W. J. Dudley clk.
Some quick addition gives me a total of $881.10 for the value of his personal estate, providing I have done the math correctly. Putting that total into an online inflation calculator gives a value of $22,214.28 in today's money.
Most of the items appearing in the inventory also appear in the sale bill, along with the price for which they sold as well as who bought them.
[in margin:]Jones Wm. B.Decd.Sale BillSale Bill of the property of W. B. Jones Decd.Constant Lawson 1 Double Barrel Shot gun 5.50Elizabeth Parker 1 Silver watch 10.25Cyntha Jones 1 mantle clock 1.00Do. 1 Straw bed & furniture .50Constant Lawson 1 trummel bed & furniture 7.75G. W. Naylor 1 table 2.50Sary Barber 1 pair fire Irons 0.70Cyntha Jones 1 fire Shovel & tongs .25Do 1 Large Jug .25do 1 do .25do 1 do .10do 1 hand Saw .55do 1 drawing Knife & auger .30do 1 Stand 1.00do 1 trunk .25do 1 Chest 1.00do 1 Trunk 2.05do 1 Looking Glass .25John Lawson 1 Lot of books 1.00John Lawson 1 Book .75J. F. Farris 1 do 1.00G. W. Naylor 1 do .35Mary Adanis 1 Lot of cupboard ware 1.10John Lawson 2 horns .25Cyntha Jones 2 fish buckets .10do 1 half bushel & bowl .20do 7 crocks .25do 2 brass Kettles .50do 1 Lot tine ware .10do 1 Pewter bason .10do 1 pair Steelyards .50do 2 smoothing Irons .25Elizabeth Parker 1 Partridge net 1.05John Lawson 2 Dip nets .15do 1 razor & strop .25Cyntha Jones 1 Large Kettle .25do 1 Skillet & led .25do 1 Oven & led .25Louisa Grimsley 1 do .25Cyntha Jones 3 Stone Jars .25do 1 Lot of barells .50do 1 hemp hook .25do 1 grubing hoe .10do 1 hoe & rake .10S. L. Tinsley 1 box & old Irons .20Cyntha Jones 1 hatchet .10John Lawson 1 axe & Irons wedge .25Eliza Summers 2 augers & curry comb .45John Lawson 1 Hammer & Skillet .10Jane Thomas 4 Chairs 2.55Louisa Grimsley 5 pewter plates .40J. W. Foudray 1 Lot fish poles .50Fleming County oct.The foregoing is a true List of the Sales of thepersonal estate of Wm. B. Jones Decd. made17th April 1863. John LawsonAdministratorAt a court held for Fleming County on the27th day of April 1863. This Sale Bill of theestate of William B. Jones Decd. was producedin court. examined and ordered to berecorded, which is duly done:attest W. I. Dudley clk.
Comparing the appraisement and the sale bill, it is easy to see that few William's items sold for their appraised value, most of them bringing in less than expected.
The buyer appearing most frequently on the sale bill was Cyntha Jones, who was William's widow. I was able to identify two more of the buyers, as well. Constant Lawson was William's daughter by his first wife, and John Lawson was her husband.
Fleming, Kentucky, Probate records, 1798-1966, Will records, 1859-1865, Vol. L, pp. 396-398 (images 208-209 of 329), Inventory & appraisement for the personal estate of William B. Jones; digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2 Mar 2025).
Fleming, Kentucky, Probate records, 1798-1966, Will records, 1859-1865, Vol. L, pp. 398-399 (image 209 of 329), Sale bill for the personal estate of William B. Jones; digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2 Mar 2025).