Despite all the high
hopes the STROESSER family might have had upon the birth of their
daughter Catharina so shortly after the death of little Johann,
Catharina lived only a short time as well. She passed away on 14 Feb
1884, just over a month after her first birthday.
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Transcription (the italicized parts were handwritten on the record):
Im Jahre tausend acht hundert vier und achtzig, den vierzehntendes Monats februar um acht Uhr Vor mittags sind vor UnsJohann Eduard Brasesel, Bürgermeister, Beamten des Civilstandesder Gemeinde Folscheid , im Kanton Redingen Groß=herzogthum Luxemburg, erschienen Peter Stroesser,alt vierzig sechs Jahre Eisenhändlerwohnhaft zu Schwiedelbruch, Vater des Vestorbenenund Johann Peter Stephany , alt dreiszig acht JahreNotar-Gehilfe , wohnhaft zu RambruchDiese haben Uns erklärt, daß Catharina Stroesseralt dreizehn Monate Jahre, ohne Standgeboren zu Schwiedelbruch , wohnhaft zu selbenSchwiedelbrouch, Zochter des ersten Comparenten und seiner EhegattinBarbara Thinnes, alt dreiszig sechs Jahre, ohne Stand, wohnhaftim selben Orteverschieden ist gestern um Zwei Uhr Nach mittags,zu geneltem Schwiedelbruchund haben beide Anzeiger gegenwärtige Urkunde, nachdem sie ihnen vorgelesen worden,mit Uns unterschrieben.
Line by line Translation:
In the Year one thousand eight hundred eighty-four, the fourteenthof the Month of february at eight o’clock Before noon have before UsJohann Eduard Brassel, Burgermeister, Officials of the Civil Stateof the Commune of Folschette , in the Canton Redange Grand-duchy of Luxembourg, appeared Peter Stroesser,aged forty six Years Blacksmithresiding in Schwiedelbrouch, Father of the Deceasedand Johann Peter Stephany , aged thirty eight YearsNotary-Assistant , residing in RambrouchThis has been declared to Us, that Catharina Stroesseraged thirteen Months Years, without Occupationborn in Schwiedelbrouch , residing in sameSchwiedelbrouch, Daughter of the first Appearing Party and his WifeBarbara Thinnes, aged thirty six Years, without Occupation, residingin same Placedeceased is yesterday at Two o’clock After noon,in same Schwiedelbrouchand have both Informants the present deed, having been read to them,with Us signed.
again, is that Notar-Gehilfe,
but I am growing more certain about my translation of
Redange, Luxembourg, death certificate no. 4 (1884), Catharina
Stroesser; digital image #67 of 142, Chuch of Jesus Christ of
Latter-Day Saints, “Décès 1879-1889,” FamilySearch
( : accessed 21 Nov 2014).
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