In what was
technically the last year of the nineteenth century, though many
people intuitively think of it as the twentieth century, the family
of Michel STROESSER still resided in Luxembourg. As it had been for at least a couple
years, their home was in the town of Rambrouch, at the time in the
commune of Folschette. In 1979 the commune was reorganized and
renamed after the town of Rambrouch, so it can now be said that
although Rambrouch used to be a town in the commune of Folschette,
Folschette is now a town in the commune of Rambrouch.
However, that
diverting reversal would not occur for another 79 years. It was still
the year 1900, and Michel STROESSER and his wife Regina STOMP,
the brother and sister-in-law of my great-grandfather Harry STROESSER,
were expecting their second child. He arrived on the 22nd
of July, and they named him Johann-Peter.
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Transcription (the italicized parts were handwritten on the record):
Im Jahre tausend neun hundert, den zwanzig zweitendes Monats Juli, um zwei Uhr nach mittags ist vor UnsMeyer Peter, Bürgermeister Beamten des Civilstandesder Gemeinde Folscheid , im Kanton Redingen , Großher=zogthum Luxemburg, erschienen Stroesser Michel, Schreiner,alt zwanzig sechs Jahre , Vater des Kindes,wohnhaft zu Rambruch , welcher Uns ein Kind männlichenGeschlechts vorgestellt hat, geboren zu Rambruch, heuteum sechs Uhr vor mittags, im Hause Nr. -- Gasse,erzeugt von ihm Comparenten und von seiner Ehefrau StompRegina, ohne Stand, alt zwanzig zwei Jahre, wohnhaftzu Rambruch,und welchem er die Vornamen Johann-Petergeben zu wollen erklärt hat.Diese Erklärung und Vorstellung sind geschehen in Gegenwart des ReichlingJohann-Peter , alt zwanzig sieben Jahre , Taglöhner,wohnhaft zu Rambruch und des NauertMichel , alt fünfzig acht Jahre , Sekretärwohnhaft zu Folscheid, und haben die Comparenten dieseUrkunde, nachdem sie ihnen vorgelesen worden, mit Uns unterschrieben.
Line by line Translation:
In the Year one thousand nine hundred, the twenty secondof the Month of July, at two o'clock after noon is before UsMeyer Peter, Burgermeister Officials of the Civil Stateof the Commune of Folschette , in the Canton Redange , Grand-duchy of Luxembourg, appeared Stroesser Michel, Carpenter,aged twenty six Years , Father of the Child,residing in Rambrouch , which to us a child of the maleGender has presented, born in Rambrouch, todayat six O’clock before noon, in House No. -- Street,begat by the Appearing Party and by his Wife StompRegina, without Occupation, aged twenty two Years, residingin Rambrouch,and which he the First Name Johann-Peterhas declared to want to give.This Statement and Presentation are done in the Presence of ReichlingJohann-Peter , aged twenty seven Years , Day Laborer,residing in Rambrouch and NauertMichel , aged fifty eight Years , Secretary [or clerk]residing in Folschette, and the Appearing Parties have thisDeed, having been read to them, with us signed.
Luxembourg, birth certificate no. 26 (1900), Johann-Peter Stroesser;
digital image #256 of 699, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints, “Naissances 1882-1923 Mariages 1831-1850,” FamilySearch
: accessed 21 Nov 2014).
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