Luxembourg Marriage Certificate Templates: 1870s

Welcome to the Luxembourg Marriage Certificate Template page for the 1870s! I have painstakingly put together templates for transcribing and translating many Luxembourgish civil registrations. I am strictly an amateur, so use at your own discretion! Each line represents a line on the certificate. What I have typed is the printed text, and the blanks are to record the handwritten text. (I always type it in italics to differentiate it from the print.) In each grouping of two lines, the first is the original German or French, and the second is a more or less literal English translation.

Feel free to use any of these in your own research--I would have loved a resource like this when I first began--just copy and paste onto your word processing program. But if you post your results on the internet, please remember to give me credit, and perhaps include a link to my blog. Thanks!

Oh, and speaking of links, heres one back to my main template page.

Luxembourg Marriage Certificate 1871

Im Jahre tausend achthundert ein und siebenzig, den _____ des Monats _____
In the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy one, the _____ of the Month of _____

um _____ Uhr _____ mittags, sind vor Uns _____
at _____ O’Clock _____ noon, before Us _____

_____ Beamten des Civilstandes der Gemeinde _____
_____ Officials of the Civil State of the Commune of _____

_____ im Großherzogthum Luxemburg, erschienen _____
_____ in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, appeared _____

_____ , alt _____ Jahre, geboren zu
_____ , age _____ Years, born in

_____ , den _____
_____ , on the _____

_____ wohnhaft zu _____
_____ residing in _____

_____ jähriger Sohn _____
_____ [of age, when preceded by “Groß”] Son _____






und _____ , alt _____ Jahre
and _____ , age _____ Years

geboren zu _____ den
born in _____ on the

_____ wohnhaft
_____ residing

_____ jährige Zochter
_____ [of age, when preceded by “Groß”] Daughter






Welche uns ersucht haben, zu der unter ihnen übereingekommenen Vollziehung ihrer Heirath zu schreiten und dere Verkündigungen
Which have requested us, to proceed to the Completion of their Marriage and particular Announcements as agreed among them




Statt gehabt haben.
Have been held.

Da und kein Widerspruch gegen gedachte Heirath verkündet worden ist, so lassen wir ihrem Begehren Recht widerfahren; und nachdem wir alle
Since no contradiction to the intended marriage has been announced, we can honor their desire; and after we all

obenerwähnten Akten und das 6. Kapitel des Civil=Gesetzbuches, von der Heirath betitelt, vorgelesen, haben wir den Bräutigam und die Braut
the above document and the 6th chapter of the Civil Code, of the Marriage titled, read, we have the Groom and the Bride

gefragt, ob sie sich zum Mann und zur Frau nehmen wollen; de beide, jedes besonders und bejahend, geantwortet haben, so erklären wir im Namen
questioned, whether it be that they want to take one another for Man and Wife; because both, each particularly and affirming, have responded, as we explained in the Name

des Gesetzes, daß _____ und _____
of the Law, that _____ and _____

durch die Heirath vereinigt sind
are united in Marriage.

Von allem diesem haben wir diese Urkunde errichtet, und zwar in Gegenwart des _____
From all this we have made this Certificate, and in the Presence of _____

_____ alt _____ Jahre,
_____ age _____ Years,

wohnhaft zu _____
residing in _____

Des _____ alt _____ Jahre,
Of _____ age _____ Years,

wohnhaft zu _____
residing in _____

Des _____ alt _____ Jahre,
Of _____ age _____ Years,

wohnhaft zu _____
residing in _____

Und des _____ alt _____ Jahre,
And of _____ age _____ Years,

wohnhaft zu _____
residing in _____

Welche, nachdem sie ihnen vorgelesen worden ist, dieselbe mit uns unterschrieben haben.
Who, after having it read to them, have undersigned.


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