Luxembourg Birth Certificate Templates: 1810s

Welcome to the Luxembourg Birth Certificate Template page for the 1810s! I have painstakingly put together templates for transcribing and translating many Luxembourgish civil registrations. I am strictly an amateur, so use at your own discretion! Each line represents a line on the certificate. What I have typed is the printed text, and the blanks are to record the handwritten text. (I always type it in italics to differentiate it from the print.) In each grouping of two lines, the first is the original German or French, and the second is a more or less literal English translation.

Feel free to use any of these in your own research--I would have loved a resource like this when I first began--just copy and paste onto your word processing program. But if you post your results on the internet, please remember to give me credit, and perhaps include a link to my blog. Thanks!

Oh, and speaking of links, here's one back to my main template page.

Luxembourg Birth Certificate 1814

L’an mil huit cent quatorze, le _____ du mois d_____
In the year one thousand eight hundred fourteen, the _____ of the month of _____

à _____ heures d_____ par-devant nous _____ , officier de
at _____ o’clock in the _____ before us _____ , official of

l’état civil de la commune d_____ canton d_____
vital statistics in the commune of _____ canton of _____

département des Forêts, est compare _____
department of Forets, is compared _____

âgé de _____ ans, _____
aged _____ years, _____

domicilié en cette commune, l_____ quel_____ nous a _____
residing in this commune, has declared to us that _____




et auquel _____ a déclaré vouloir donner le prénom d_____
and to whom _____ has declared will give the name _____



Lesdites declaration et presentation faites en presence d_____
This declaration and presentation made in the presence of _____

_____ âgé de _____ ans, _____
_____ aged _____ years, _____

et de _____ âgé de _____ ans,
and of _____ aged _____ years,

_____ domiciliés en cette commune, et _____
_____ residing in this commune, and _____

_____ signé avec nous le present acte de naissance, après qu’il
_____ signed with us the present birth certificate, after it

leur en a été fait lecture.
has been read by them.

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